Monday, October 20, 2008

the perfect meditation or a total mental block !

for the past one month, i have not got a single good idea! forget 'good', not even 'any' idea. i don't know why, but my mind just doesn't feel like applying itself. i had to write someone a letter. (that someone is somewhere in maharashtra.) so, yesterday when i sat down to write the letter, i just sat still. i sat still for almost an hour! and my mind didn't have ANY idea. no flying ideas, not even any 'out-of-topic' ideas! i just stared into the blank page before me. no, i was not sleeping with my eyes open! i was totally awake. but nothing came to my mind. it must have been a perfect meditation! i guess thats how all spiritual gurus tell us to do meditation.

while in pune, i had joined a yoga course. my 'batchmates' there included a piece from every section of the society... working professionals, housewives, retired people, fat people, thin people, even one foreigner used to attend the classes. i was the only teenager there. the instructor had taught us meditation as "clear your mind -let all the present thoughts pass-let your mind be free from any thoughts-hold onto this state-breathe normally....." at that time, i used to wonder how can anyone's mind be "free from any thought" as that itself would constitute a thought! then i used to lie there just looking at other people's expressions while they were 'clearing their minds'. it was really funny! it looked as if the instructor had told them to "clear your throat-blow out your nose"! i used to really enjoy myself during that one hour. today i realised that i accidently practiced meditation. that too, to the perfection! not a single thought in an hour! really amazing... only i hope that this does not happen to me again soon...

1 comment:

~ NITESH ~ said...

hehehe...... dude i think you need to consult a good doctor !! :P

hota hai yara .... tnsn not... !!